“Professional, Scientific and Effective” are the three main vision of DNA Hair Lab. We strive to provide the most effective and scientifically formulated treatments for hair loss and thinning hair.
We specialized in treatments for different kinds of hair loss problems including Male / Female Pattern Baldness, Alopecia Areata (also known as Spot Baldness), Greasy Scalp, Head Sores, Thinning Hair .etc.
Our highly-experienced hair loss specialists will monitor your progress from the very beginning. Treatment programmes are all tailor-made to ensure maximum hair growth. Specially formulated hair loss products are included to maximize result. Throughout your treatment course, there will always be a member of our team available to assist you and ensure optimum rates of hair regrowth.
We will not put any pressure on anyone visiting for a consultation. If clients are found suitable for having a hair loss treatment programme, they will be informed of the treatment package with details and past success cases for their reference. Clients can then consider if joining the treatments or not.
It is important to remember that most hair loss problems can often worsen if left untended. Our advice to anyone who has a problem with their hair or scalp is to do something about it sooner, rather than later.
As per our experience, if hair loss problem can be treated in an early stage, hair restoration treatment can perform best and effectiveness can be maximized. Do not miss the best treatment period (within two years when symptoms are shown) !
We do not accept the following cases: